Our work with some of the most elite organizations in the NBA and international basketball has consistently revealed that a purpose-driven, adaptable, and actionable culture needs to be established in order to effectively recruit and develop talent, and drive sustainable performance and winning results.

That's Why The Courtex Team Is Here To Help You:

Understand and optimize the Return On Investment (ROI) of your culture 10x faster

Improve your organization's bottom line with strategies for navigating the intersection of people x purpose x performance

Steer your organizational culture towards shared purpose, aligned productivity,

 and improved well-being 

Keep your finger on the pulse of your culture with real-time data, custom reports, and personalized support along the way

Inspired by our work with NBA and international championship-winning organizations



Founded in 2013, Courtex has its roots in the basketball mental performance space. While, in our earlier years, we primarily worked with individual players, we expanded into organizational consulting with NBA and international organizations in 2017, providing coaching, consulting, and assessment services.

In recent years, we have organically expanded into the business and entertainment spaces, advising leaders on strategies to better understand their organization’s culture in order to proactively influence cultural health and performance. Inspired by our work with some of the most elite sports organizations in the world, we are here to help you develop game-changing approaches to optimize culture and drive winning results.



Contact info@courtexperformance.com

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